Mitch Bryson
- Chief Investigator
- Doctor
- Institution: University of Sydney
Bio: Dr. Mitch Bryson is currently the Director for the undergraduate mechatronics program and a lecturer in the school of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. He is a research expert in aerial and marine robotic navigation, mapping and sensor fusion, working in applications in marine science and forestry using computer vision, hyperspectral imaging and laser scanning. He leads the ACFR Forestry research group that performs research into innovative technologies and techniques for measuring and managing forest resources using state-of-the-art sensors, autonomous systems and intelligent processing algorithms.
Research Expertise:
- aerial and marine robotic navigation,
- mapping and sensor fusion,
- working in applications in marine science and forestry using computer vision,
- hyperspectral imaging,
- laser scanning,
- point cloud perception
- deep learning