TEST Project T2.P1: Low-level sensor reconfiguration as part of the planning process
Low-level sensor reconfiguration as part of the planning process
Expert-level control of sensors for next-generation robotic perception
Robotic planning and control of low-level sensing is presently very limited and does not approach the level of sophistication seen in human camera operators. Jointly planning a trajectory and camera settings like exposure time, aperture and focus settings promises vastly superior sensing. Considering more sophisticated reconfigurable sensors like active plenoptic imaging devices and foveated LiDAR increases both the degree of challenge and opportunity.
Intentional control of reconfigurable sensing can increase signal quality and reduce distractors by measuring more of what is relevant in context. The sensing aspects of this project will focus on developing models and interfaces that will allow better modular design and two-way information flow between planning, control and sensing.
Associated Researchers
Ian Manchester
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Niko Sünderhauf
Deputy Director - Research
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Don Dansereau
Theme Lead - Sensing and Perception
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